Why I Do What I Do

Why I Do What I Do
Ever wonder what I do with Young Living?

I teach people how to ditch everyday products full of harmful ingredients and switch to more natural alternatives to increase energy, avoid illness, and improve everyday healthy living. I am in this for the long haul because my goal is longevity.

I believe you can deal with many everyday issues with natural products that work.

I believe if we support our bodies with the healthiest products possible, our bodies will support us in living long, fulfilled lives.

I am not anti-medicine, but I am proactive maintenance, pro-support and pro-research.

6 million Young Living users can't be wrong. They keep coming back because the oils and products work.  

Ditching and Switching to Plant-based Alternatives

Ditching and Switching to Plant-based Alternatives
A few years ago I sustained a concussion that derailed my career and personal life. Despite engaging every therapy modality out there for concussion recovery and improving most symptoms, I was still suffering daily from migraines. My neurologist prescribed medication for the pain. Side effects included headaches, dizziness, mood swings, and sleep changes. These were also all symptoms of the concussion. This medication was increased 3 times as migraines did not improve.

I was prescribed four more medications after the first to deal with side effects from each new medication I took. Every medication had headaches as a possible side effect. Ummm, isn’t that why I was taking them in the first place? 

At the two-year post-concussion mark, I was on four prescription medications to manage my migraines, as well as sleeplessness and anxiety (which were side effects of some of the medications). Other side effects I was dealing with included muscle cramps, night sweats, tremors, nausea, dizziness, memory issues, and high blood pressure (wth?? 51 years old, healthy diet and exercise and I had high blood pressure?). I was also popping up to eight Advil/Tylenol per day to try and manage pain levels. My neurologist told me I would likely have whatever symptoms I was still experiencing for the rest of my life. This was the turning point.

I could not live another 30-40 years taking all this medication or more. I would not have a stomach or a liver left. Do some research and look up long-term effects. Plus, they weren’t really helping. 

Then I discovered my cleaning products were triggering my migraines. I ditched everything and started using only Thieves household cleaner. One month later, migraines were 80% better. Slowly, I ditched all the medications and OTCs and started using my essential oils to deal with pain, emotions, and focus and attention. 

I’m not saying there isn’t a place for prescription medication or OTCs but, for me, it wasn’t an option long-term. Using natural, plant-based products helps me feel good and there are no side effects. Win win.

Maybe, you can feel better, too. What have you got to lose?
If you’d like more tips and tricks, head on over to my private Facebook group and request to be a member: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oilwarriorvipgroup
Or sign up for my monthly-ish newsletter: https://bit.ly/38Wc5zR

IG: @oilwarrior
FB: Oil Warrior VIP Group
Until next time, stay well, embrace your days, and take care of you.

"Change occurs one step past your comfort zone and one small step can lead to an avalanche of awesomeness."   Shelley Kundert

Second Act

Second Act

After beginning my teaching career 33 years ago, I have decided to move on to my next adventure. For any of you who know a teacher, you know that most teachers don’t fully retire when they retire because even though they think they’re ready, it’s really hard to let go. Why is it hard to let go? Read on.

What will I miss about teaching? Well, there are a lot of things I won’t miss. I won’t miss the endless paperwork, the stress of trying to meet so many expectations coming at you from all directions all day long, all the sleepless nights worrying about students’ mental health and well-being, their academic progress, how I could have handled a situation better, and on and on. 

What will I miss? More than anything I will miss my students. Unless you are a teacher, you cannot fully comprehend how every single student has a piece of your heart and, after 33 years, that’s a lot of pieces. I will miss their smiling faces every morning. I will miss those a-ha moments when you can see the lightbulb go off and they finally get it. I will miss their excitement when they want to tell me what happened to them the night before. I will miss my incredible colleagues. I will miss the laughter and the bloopers. 

What am I looking forward to? I’m looking forward to sleeping in until 6 AM or maybe later, drinking a whole cup of coffee still hot and not from an insulated mug that I finish at lunch time, not rushing to get somewhere, and pursuing my other interests and passions.

What’s on the agenda after I have spent the first three weeks of July sleeping and recovering from the school year? I’ll follow my Young Living passion teaching others how to reduce chemicals in daily life, learning more about health and wellness, and the benefits of Young Living products. Contact me if you want to know more. I will reconnect with all the things I love - friends and family, outdoor activities, workouts, more reading, less worrying, and being present in the moment. Mostly, I will be grateful for all the blessings and lessons over the past 33 years. 

Pity Parties vs Gratitude

In Canada, we were blessed with Valentine’s Day and Family Day on the same weekend this year. Except not everyone may see these as blessings. 

I have to admit, I’ve been having a bit of a pity party this weekend. Ok, if I’m honest, a full-blown rave complete with copious amounts of junk food, a little booze, and lots of self pity. 

Thanks to that which shall not be named, I am on day #5 of isolation for being a close contact. When I was first told, my only concern was for the health of the person who was sick. But, as the days have progressed, it’s getting harder to stay positive. Valentine’s Day spent more or less alone in my office. Family Day, same thing. My husband has worked many, many holidays over the years being a shift worker, so him not being around on a holiday is something I’ve gotten used to, although it still bothers and seems unfair. So, I had myself a 3-day pity party, a little excessive even for me, and now I’m ready to pull up my big girl panties and buck up. Here’s the thing. You have to acknowledge and FEEL all the feelings in order to get past them. Five minutes is good and then move on. Unless you’re like me and need a day or two…or three…

The best way I know how to buck up and move on is to take 5 minutes and make a list of all I’m grateful for in this moment. Sometimes I have to do it many times a day but it works. So here goes. 

I’m so very grateful that no one in my family has been sick. I’m grateful that my son is home and we can yell at each other through the floorboards. I can facetime with my daughter who is living in another province. The isolation has given me extra time to work on my business and get ahead (hopefully) on some things. I can talk on the phone to anyone I want. The sun is shining and it’s going to get warmer out. I might even be able to open the windows for some fresh air. Everything looks so clean outside with the snow. My house is finally getting a cleaning from top to bottom. I have a job. Everyone in my family still has a job and is working regular hours. All of my friends still have jobs. I have time to reach out to those I know are struggling with the pandemic. I have time to stare out the window and watch the sun rise and set, birds come and go, keep track of the neighbours (haha), read some good books, finish that puzzle that has been on the coffee table since Christmas. I could list so many more things if I keep going but, alas, I do have work to do. 

Try this if you haven’t yet. I know. It sounds cheesy. And it works. Just keep writing until you FEEL your mood lifting. AND remember your essential oils! Try Frankincense, Peace and Calming, Stress Away, Joy, Gratitude, Abundance, Motivation, Surrender, Acceptance, or Gary’s Light. 

If you don’t use essential oils yet or want more info, please reach out and I’ll help you get started on the road to better health and wellness. 

If you’d like more tips and tricks, head on over to my private Facebook group and request to be a member: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oilwarriorvipgroup

Or sign up for my monthly-ish newsletter: https://bit.ly/38Wc5zR

IG: @oilwarrior

Until next time, stay well, embrace your days, and take care of you.

"Change occurs one step past your comfort zone and one small step can lead to an avalanche of awesomeness."   Shelley Kundert



Let’s face it, 2020 was a year of lack. Let’s make 2021 a year of abundance!

What do you think you don’t have enough of? Time? Money? Connections? Customers? Friends? Me time? If you say things like “I don’t have time” or “I can’t afford it” or “I need a better paying job” this creates a sense of lack. It’s all about conscious language and how the brain believes whatever you tell it. 

I started reading a book called “Conscious Language” by Robert Tennyson Stevens last summer while doing a business course. I’ve picked this book up again because it’s one of the things I’m finishing from 2020.

This book teaches how to be conscious of the things you think and say – being “conscious” of what you’re telling yourself. Your language needs to come from a place of abundance, not lack. Instead of “Ugh, I forgot ___!” replace it with, “Oh, I just remembered ___. Thank you!” Or, instead of, “I don’t have time to ____,” replace it with “I have all the time I need to ____.” You know the saying – ask and you shall receive. Remember, the universe has your back.

If you consistently use conscious language, you will notice changes. I’ll admit, it was very difficult for me at first and I’d beat myself up every time I realized I was coming from a place of lack. The difference now is my awareness of it and how I can literally stop, “delete,” and rephrase my thoughts and words to more conscious language. This also gets me out of the judgement mindset and into the gratitude mindset.

If you’re interested in reading the book, here’ the link on Amazon:


(This is an affiliate link, which means I receive a tiny commission if you buy through this link. It does not change the price of the book.)  

Young Living also has an essential oil called “Abundance.” This has become one of my favorite oils. Abundance™ essential oil blend helps open you to a wealth of possibilities to give you the extra push to make things happen. This unique blend combines oils such as Orange and Ginger, which were used by ancient cultures to attract success and magnify joy and peace. Did you know essential oils actually change the vibration or electrical frequency in your body? Crazy, right! (This is a subject for a future blog.)

Place a drop of Abundance in your hands, rub hands together, inhale, focus on where you are looking for abundance, rub on your chest and the back of your neck. You can also put a drop or two in your diffuser while you are working on creative projects to create the energy of prosperity and plenitude.  In fact, I am using it as I write this blog.

If you’d like more tips and tricks, head on over to my private Facebook group and request to be a member: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oilwarriorvipgroup

Or sign up for my monthly-ish newsletter: https://bit.ly/38Wc5zR

Until next time, stay well, embrace your days, and take care of you.

"Change occurs one step past your comfort zone and one small step can lead to an avalanche of awesomeness."   Shelley Kundert

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